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Pavel Andreev
Leading Astrologer
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Horoscope of compatibility for couples.

The main task of such a horoscope is to improve the quality of the existing relationships and help to understand them in detail by those whose alliance is just originating. Here you will see a specific set of recommendations for forming harmonious and strong relations with the prospect of development in the future.

Synastry analysis of a couple is a detailed description of the relationship between the two people and an assessment of the prospects for their development. Thanks to this consultation, you direct your relations to the streambed of success and consonant unity opening yourself access to the following information:    

 ✔ Needs and driving incentives of each partner;
   ✔The unconscious ideal partner of each of the couple;
   ✔ Looking for the golden mean between the partner of a dream and real people with whom circumstances bring us together;
   ✔Motivations and circumstances that hold the couple together and divide it;
   ✔Possible problems in the couple + recommendations for their solution;
   ✔Additional recommendations for a prosperous and productive life together;
   ✔Periods of deep crises + pieces of advice for their compensation.

Synastry successfully solves the following problems:

   ✔Constant adulteries and betrayals;
   ✔Chronic loneliness and absence of marriage;
   ✔Indifference from the opposite sex;
   ✔Monotony and boredom in relationships / extinguished “fire” in marriage;
   ✔Failure in trying to find a partner of a dream.

Having read your compatibility horoscope, you will open your partner like a new book, begin to clearly understand what is separating you from each other, and what makes your couple stronger and more important. The main task of this horoscope is to improve the quality of the existing relationships.

You never know people. This statement is often true for those who are just beginning the way in a couple, and sometimes it is true for a mature family. In many cases, we cannot understand a partner, which leads to distrust, rows and rupture of relations. This happens because we look at other people through the prism of our own values, principles and ideals. The synastry analysis of the couple will allow you to see your partner, yourself and your relationships as they are. Such approach will allow to solve constructively the arising problems in mutual relations and to evaluate the partnership.

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